
Veteran’s Advocacy Group Praises Signing Of Veterans Toxic Exposure Bill

by Commander J. B. Wells U. S. Navy (Retired), Attorney at Law

The PACT Act

Military-Veterans Advocacy® (MVA™) a Slidell Louisiana based veterans advocacy group, praised the signing of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Pact Act.  President Joe Biden signed the bill in a ceremony at the White House.  MVA was represented by two former Marines, Legislative Director, Brian Moyer of Mt. Dora Florida and Bill Rhodes, MVA Director for Southeast Asia from Mena Arkansas.

The PACT Act provides benefits for burn pit victims, radiation cleanup veterans and those exposed to Agent Orange in Guam, American Samoa, Johnston Island, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.  It also provided for relief of the victims of Camp Lejeune water and requires a study on Fort McClellan veterans.

Green Beret Veteran shows his tattoo which says, All Gave Some and Some Gave All Toxic Exposure Awareness Day

Concurrent with the bill signing and to commemorate the progress demonstrated by this new law, Senator Klobuchar of Minnesota and Senator Rounds of South Dakota, with the support of Military-Veterans Advocacy®  introduced a bipartisan resolution to recognize August 10th as Toxic Exposure Awareness Day. 

August 10th

For decades, August 10th was known as the anniversary of the first use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Now, it is also known as the day we took action to serve those who served us. With this renewed focus on toxic substance exposure, MVA urges every veteran to go to the VA’s website to see what additional benefits they may now qualify for. https://www.va.gov/resources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits 

Agent Orange being Sprayed

Commander John B. Wells USN (ret) praised the bi-partisan effort that resulted in the new law.  “This is a great step forward,” Wells said, “but the job is not done We still have veterans from Panama, Okinawa, Fort McClellan and other sites throughout the globe who are dying from toxic exposure without benefits. MVA will continue to work to ensure veterans and service members get the care they deserve.“

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Commander J. B. Wells U. S. Navy (Retired)
Attorney at Law
Military-Veterans Advocacy, Inc. ®
PO Box 5235
Slidell, LA 70469-5235
Call: 985-641-1855 and 985-290-6940 (direct)

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