Is AirBnB Worse Than Staying With Family?
Due to rising costs, hosts have been hiking up fees and imposing a lot of demands on guests. Has booking through @AirBnb changed for the worse? Are you better off staying with family?
Due to rising costs, hosts have been hiking up fees and imposing a lot of demands on guests. Has booking through @AirBnb changed for the worse? Are you better off staying with family?
Are you a digital hoarder or e-hoarder? Do you save every single email, text, event, photo, ad, etc.? Here are 5 tips to clean up your digital world!
In this digital age, with the ability to find everything and anything online, it is hard to believe that people still use fax machines. Although it may seem antiquated, many businesses rely upon faxes because of its authenticity. Law firms, state agencies, courts, hospitals, etc. are some examples of where faxes are still valid and necessary. This video shows how silly some people think it is to use a fax.
Caturday Is Every Day! By June Stoyer Throughout social media, Saturday is celebrated as Caturday. Especially for many cat lovers, Caturday is everyday! If you have had the joy
These simple hacks will help you save money immediately! This new level of mindfulness is not only good for your wallet but it’s also good for the environment!
People are very quick to complain about the slightest issue but how many people will take the time to thank the restaurants and businesses they patronize through a positive review on Google Maps? I know my review on Google Maps for any business will make a huge impact. I am more than happy to write them. However, not all people feel the same and are willing to make the effort.